Arts Centre Melbourne Sight + Sound Exhibition Commission 2010

“Sight and Sound”

Composition and Score Commission | Sound Installation

Curated by Dr. Steven Tonkin
The Arts Centre
Gallery 1
Victoria, Australia

“Visual Sound Map” – The Musical Score

In direct response to the visual artwork [Sonic Network No.2] by John Aslanidis.

Visual Score

The Composition – Sonata for Sonic Network No.2


“Sonata for Sonic Network No. 2”

“Sonata for Sonic Network No. 2” is a musical composition created in response to John Aslanidis’ visual artwork.

The term “sonata” derives from Latin and means “to sound”, or a piece of music which is played, contrasted with a “cantata”, music which is sung. I use the term sonata with brevity, without particular reference to theoretical discussions about compositional form. Rather, “Sonata for Sonic Network No.2” is a work intended for a musical instrument, the violoncello.

At the time of inception, my approach to musical composition is ethereal and essentially non-cognitive: notes sound in my body before I contemplate writing a score or manuscript. Performance of the composition is free: there is space for the music to assume a character of its own.

The manuscript exhibited is a visual sound map of my sonic imagination of Aslanidis’ artwork.

Composed and produced by Benjamin Skepper in Tokyo, 2010
2010 Benjamin Skepper
All rights reserved